I’m putting up this page of guidelines so that it is clear how guest bloggers are to pitch me. I want my audience to enjoy a broad array of differing viewpoints and opinions. I don’t want to be pitched if you’re unfamiliar with the topics delivered on my blog. I also don’t want to be pitched if you’re only looking for a link to your own blog or don’t plan to pitch an idea but wait on me to give you an assignment. This is all laid out so that your time and my time aren’t wasted:)

  1. If you’ve read the subtitle of my blog, you’ll see that my blog is all about breathing life into the past, into our history (including the history we make now). I also suggest checking my About page to understand more of who I am and the kind of writing I do. Below is a list of topic ideas you can pitch me:
  • The writing process
  • Current events and how they link with the past
  • Inspirational stories
  • Use of social media for career advancement
  • Book reviews (review a book you actually enjoy)
  • Poetry
  • Tips for writers on publishing/marketing
  • Blogging

2. Before you pitch, please be somewhat familiar with my blog. I will edit your copy of your guest post if it needs it. Foul language or any sensitive material too explicitly detailed are off limits.

3. Be free to pitch me three ideas. If I like your idea but not your angle, I will suggest a different angle. If I don’t like any of your ideas, I’m thinking perhaps this is not the blog to pitch.

4. I welcome pitches by phone. My number is (613)361-2154. I will also Skype or meet you in a Google Hangout.

5. I would like your guest post to be original content. I will run all copy through Copyscape, a free tool that tells me how much the content has appeared elsewhere on the web.

6. It would be great to include a head shot of you with your post. Please make sure it is a clear, close-up shot shoulders up.

7. If I haven’t responded to your pitch after a week, please feel free to call me to remind me. I lead a beautiful crazy life raising three children, managing a household, and marketing my published book.

8. If you have extra images, pie charts, infographics, photos, or screenshots you would like to include with your guest post, I welcome them. Please understand they are not necessary.

9. You are also welcome to link back to your blog and write an author resource box. The limit is between 100-150 words.

10. Comments are highly appreciated at my blog; I encourage you as a guest blogger to check back periodically and answer to any comments you wish.

11. Once I’ve accepted your pitch and have had your guest post up, I will be more than open to receiving pitches from you once again.

12. I am active on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram. I will be more than happy to promote your blog if it is a good fit for my audience.


I will especially need guest posts whenever I’m on vacation or just struggling to keep up with all my other responsibilities. I will post a call to action blog when I see a season in my life such as these is coming up. Remember to read my blog first. You can pitch me here: mailto:telesfora7@hotmail.com

What guidelines for guest posting do you have? Please leave a link to them in the comments below:)